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Cancel an order

Order cancellations are allowed if the item has not yet been shipped or processed by the seller.

  • How to Cancel an Order:

    1. Log into your account on
    2. Navigate to your Order History and select the order you wish to cancel.
    3. Click the Cancel Order button, and follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.
    4. You will receive a confirmation email once your order is successfully canceled.

    Refund Policy for Canceled Orders:

    • If payment was already made, a refund will be initiated as per our Refund Policy.
    • Processing times for refunds may vary depending on your payment method.


  • Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled. In such cases, you can request a return once the item is delivered.
  • Custom or personalized orders may not be eligible for cancellation.

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Bundle and get up to $75 off Galaxy Buds

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